My personal experience of change through psychotherapy inspired me to leave my 15 year corporate career and become a therapist. Several years ago I was in a deeply stuck place. My life looked "great on paper." I had a job at a well known tech company. I lived in the heart of San Fransisco, one of the most beautiful and bizarre cities in the country. I had friends I enjoyed and respected. I was set up with all the things that I was "supposed" to have but I felt like I was living someone else's life. A small part in me kept saying: "there must be more to this. Keep going." I didn't know it at the time but my soul was calling for its freedom. Perhaps yours is, too.
I responded from a place of "what do I have to lose" and began psychotherapy. One of the important Truths I learned through this process is that developing a relationship with our inner life supports our unfolding toward freedom, choice, and meaningful living.
The therapy I offer is an integration of the most powerful therapeutic perspectives and tools I have experienced myself. Whatever may be waiting to meet you, it is my honor to support you on your path toward yourself.
My work is influenced and informed by the following threads: Gestalt therapy and the lineage of Fritz Perls, the thought and lineage of C.G. Jung, Brainspotting and the work of David Grand, parts work, phenomenology, the uncertainty principle, Vipassana meditation practices, my own psychotherapeutic process, my experiences living as a human on this earth.
My style is gentle and direct. I also believe strongly in the healing power of humor.
My education includes an M.A. in Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and an undergraduate degree in Religion from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.